Friday, January 31, 2014

Brothers . January 2014

This winter the boys didn't get new matching striped jackets (like the 2 years previous).  And, their hats from last year still fit.  Even so, I liked that I've captured the same "outfit" each January - the boys in their jackets and hats - so, we did the same again this year.

Ryder has finally realized that the faster he sits still and smiles, the faster the picture is over.  Unfortunately, brothers haven't learned that yet - so, while one was pulling his face to force smiling and/or frowning (Harvick), the other was making every attempt to fall to the side (Jarrett).  The overall best shot is below - Ryder was beyond being amused at this point, but the ones with him smiling are not great of brothers!  You win some, you lose some.

Brothers . January 2014
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

All Previous Brothers Posts | January 2013 | January 2012

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