Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Treehouse Alphabet Soup "R" . 03.2014

Finally!  The Treehouse reached the letter "R" for their Alphabet Soup!

Also, a glimpse into a Literacy Night with Early Intervention.

Ryder anxiously waited for the letter "R" to be featured at the Treehouse Museum's Alphabet Soup.  Unfortunately, they rearranged their activities that night, so we missed out on the bulk of the "R" activities - but made it to the art project - "Rainbow Dot Art".  The boys all enjoyed the dot markers, and I walked away with several new art pieces to hang in our home!

Harvick and Jarrett's participation in Early Intervention gets our family an invite to "Literacy Night" every month.  The themed evening starts with crafts, followed by books being read to the children.  Pizza is served, and a fun dessert is always presented following the evening's theme.  This time it was a school bus (transportation) made out of a graham cracker, frosting, Chex windows, and Oreo wheels.  The dessert is often the boys' favorite part!

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