Monday, April 12, 2010

Ryder . 38 Weeks

38 weeks; 21 pounds, 10 ounces.
The kid is MOBILE.  As in, DOES NOT sit still any longer.  He is absolutely loving his ability to move around on his own; however he is quickly discouraged if he doesn't have Patrick or I in his sight.
Ryder was snacking on a slice of plum, and just stuck it in his mouth - he thought it was the funniest thing, and refused to take it out - he just sat their smiling at us.

A common new picture - crawling away from me when I am trying to take his picture.

Another common picture - crawling toward me, and reaching for the camera.

Just a cute snapshot.

I'm not sure if Ryder realizes the lamb we gave him for Easter is not real.

A new shirt!

We had another fun weekend!  On Saturday, Patrick, along with a co-worker he hired to help him, sheet rocked my Craft Room in the basement!  It is about 90% of the way finished - I will help with the rest.  Once that is done, we just have to find someone we can hire to mud/tape/sand it - it's a lot of work, and think it would be better to just pay someone to do it for us.

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