Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ryder . 39 Weeks

39 weeks, and officially 9 months old; 21 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ryder was not content with merely crawling for long.  This week he has been trying to pull himself up to a standing position - he is pretty good if he is using someone's hands to help him, but he has a hard time with using an object (mostly the ottoman).
I told you last week this picture has become very common - reaching for the camera.

Playing in the bathtub - Ryder enjoys playing with the toys along the edge of the tub.

Ryder has found that the cat toys make good Ryder toys too.

Playing with his stacking rings.

Playing in the laundry basket.

Ryder seems to be drawn to Patrick's Wii Drum Set (usually on the bottom shelf of one of the bookcases in the Family Room).  Patrick pulled it out for him the other day, and showed him how to play with his hands - this kid is going to playing Rock Band in no time!

This morning I had one of two interviews (the other is tomorrow morning).  Due to my position being "dissolved" I have applied for 2 others - both of which will be very competitive - the management structure is being downsized, and I am up against people who currently hold the positions themselves.  If I don't get either of these, I will still have an opportunity to apply for a different position in May.  If I still don't get that, I will still have a job, it will just be what I was doing before I was promoted to my current position.  I'll keep you posted on what happens - they aren't expected to announce the positions that I am interviewing for this week until the end of next week.

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