Monday, April 26, 2010

Ryder . 40 Weeks

40 weeks; 21 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ryder's 9 month check-up was this past Friday.  He has dropped significantly in the weight percentile (from 94 to 63%); however, due to the fact that he started out in the 100th percentile, he is still totally fine.  He measures long for his age - 30 inches.  And, his head size is big (99%), but I told Ryder it is okay - a big head means a big brain!
Also, in Ryder news - he has finally cut his first tooth!  It appeared through the gum Friday morning.  He hasn't shown much discomfort with it; however, he has had quite the runny nose since Saturday.

Smiling for the camera.

Ryder loves all things soft - he hugs his stuffed animals and the cats the same way.

Another smiling picture.

The new face that he is making - scrunching up his nose.  It's super cute in person, but just looks funny in a picture.

Smiling, again.

Ryder's newest trick - standing up to play.  He wasn't content with just crawling - he is starting to pull himself up on the ottomans and chairs.  The toy he is standing with in the picture isn't quite sturdy enough, but he loves when you help him.

We had a fun, busy weekend.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that it stays dry this week, so that the landscapers can grade our yard, and Patrick can start on the sprinklers . . . but, the weatherman predicts a wet end to the week, so we'll see.
No news yet on the interviews - I'm not expecting to hear anything until the end of this week, or even the beginning of next. 

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