Wednesday, April 20, 2011

36 Week Update

Another OB appointment this morning. 
My OB didn't bother measuring me this time, since there is no concern about the babies being "big enough"; but, he did check the boys' heartbeats - both sound great.  My issues with swelling have continued to increase, but my blood pressure is still doing okay (up a little this week - 126/78, but still fine).
This morning I am dilated further - to 4cm, and am 60% effaced (when they induced me with Ryder, I was at just 3cm, and 80% effaced).  He's no longer making any guess about how much longer I'll make it.  He is comfortable with them coming at any time, and would induce me at my request.  So - we have scheduled an induction . . . May 6 is the official date (of course, unless they come sooner).  He isn't too confident I'll make it that far, but he doesn't feel the risks to my health and the babies are worth it past that point - I'll be 38 weeks, 2 days.
So . . . 16 days (max) . . .

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