Friday, May 20, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 2 Weeks

2 weeks old; almost back to their birth weight; 21.5" (Harvick) and 21.75" (Jarrett)

The twins had their 2 week "Well-Baby" appointment a day late (their doctor wasn't in the office on Wednesday).  Both boys have gained back some of the weight they initially lost, but aren't quite up to their birth weights - they are within a few ounces each.  Just to be "safe", we will take them in again next week to ensure they are continuing to gain the weight back.  There really isn't a concern, given that they are both still "large" for their age (as compared to a singleton), and very large compared to twins.

We have established a routine that is working for us now - we will just be working on extending their nighttime sleeping hours.

Soaking up some Vitamin D


Sleeping together (this is their nighttime arrangement right now - they like to be near eachother, but not necessarily touching).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

More sunbathing.
(Jarrett in the back, Harvick in the front)

Jarrett holding his pacifier in his mouth.

Patrick is creative how he holds them together - they are often stacked in some way.
(Jarrett on "top" (left); Harvick on "bottom" (right))

Both boys are big sleepers - Harvick only spends about 1-2 hours awake (other than nursing), and Jarrett is awake about 2-2.5 per day.

Finally - to celebrate their 2 week "birthday", both boys enjoyed a shower!  The main stump of each of their umbilical cords fell off at 1 week, but we waited a few extra days to make sure it was fully healed.  Both boys did well in the shower - the warm water put them to sleep, just like it had with Ryder.

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