Saturday, November 26, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 29 Weeks

29 weeks old
18 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick AND Jarrett!)

(Compare to Ryder at 29 Weeks)

These boys are growing up too fast!  They have made great strides in sitting up this week - Jarrett is still able to sit up a bit longer, but both still fall to the side after a few minutes.  Both Harvick and Jarrett are doing very well with their new routine (we changed it with the addition of solids).  I commented last week that Harvick is the better eater . . . we have learned that while Harvick remains the better eater of the pureed foods we've made, Jarrett actually does extremely well with small pieces of food - primarily breads, and soft fruits.

Spending some tummy time together in their playmat gym.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)


Sharing a toy after taking a bath.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Happy boys after eating . . . Jarrett happy because he's finished . . . Harvick happy because he got to eat solids!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

With his helmet on, Patrick's hat fits Harvick's head perfectly (the bill is pulled up in the photo because he didn't want to look up at me, which made it so you couldn't see his face).

Our three boys could not be enamored more with each other!  Ryder loves to "show" his brothers things, and they love to watch!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Wearing their matching souvenir shirts that came all the way from Spain (Portugal?).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

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