Monday, December 19, 2011


First - today Harvick had a follow-up head scan . . . and . . . he has been cleared to wear the helmet just part-time!!!  We go back in another month, where we anticipate he will be given the "all-clear" for discontinuing it completely!

Now . . . to explain the title of this post.  When we stopped by Carters on the day after Thanksgiving (looking for Christmas jammies!), I saw this shirt, and I absolutely could not resist:

This shirt is the perfect shirt for Harvick.  First, it's orange (his color), and the helmet is shaped like his, and is the same color as his!

Of course, I can't buy Harvick a shirt without getting Jarrett one . . . not only does this one coordinate, but can you spot how it is the perfect shirt for him?!

It's not as obvious at first, but take a second glance at the writing . . . "little DJ" . . . Dale Jarrett!

Can you believe that these 7 month old boys are wearing 12-18 month onesies, and 9-12 month pants?!  Clearly, these shirts will have to go into their boxes, when they outgrow them!

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