Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day . 2013

On Mother's Day, I woke up to immediate presents, made by my boys!  Each of their handprints had been made in clay, and painted their color.  A cute card, and a pendant from Patrick (he made it, with the boys' picture on one side, and a "5" on the other) were also given.

Jarrett was there - he just wasn't interested in hanging around for me to open the presents.

After church, we headed to our neighborhood Duck Pond.  We had pre-cut the bread (it makes it easier...some people like to throw in a whole piece, or barely tear it), and brought bowls for each boy.  All of them enjoyed feeding the ducks, although Jarrett's favorite part was running around the open area.

I like the randomness of this photo.

My cute boys!
The shot on the top left was the best one we could get of me with the boys - they were all wanting to feed ducks and/or play!

A forced break...for another picture attempt...
(Harvick on the left, Ryder center, and Jarrett on the right)

Patrick had planned to go out to lunch, but after going out so much that weekend ("Mother's Day" with his mom, and my mom, along with a fun Saturday (more on the blog later)), we just went to Subway for sandwiches to take home.

On occasion, a boy will fall asleep in the car, but they (very) rarely will stay asleep when you take them out of their carseat.  Jarrett must have been worn out - he walked up the stairs on his own into the house, we took off his shoes, and looked over to find him like this less than a minute later - COMPLETELY asleep!

After the boys had their quiet time (sometimes they sleep...sometimes...), they headed to the backyard to play.  Patrick was able to get some things down outside while I did our usual chores inside.  Patrick commented about how he felt bad that I did things, but really - I got to strip and make 4 beds (along with other things), without any little helpers!  I love having the boys help us with things at home, but sometimes it is nice to just get them done quickly.

Subway sandwiches should always be accompanied by Subway cookies!

We ended our day with grilled veggies and bratwurst - eating on our backyard patio!

My most recent FB profile picture.  Me, with my boys.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick center, and Ryder on the right)

A fun day of spending time together as a family!

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