Saturday, May 4, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 2 Year Comparison

Today Harvick & Jarrett turned 2 years old!

These boys have brought so much joy into our lives.  They were very much an unexpected double addition to our family, but we wouldn't change it!

Today we celebrated as a family - just the 5 of us.  As I transferred the (many, of course) photos to our computer, I couldn't help but share one tonight (more will come later).

2 Year Birthday

The boys all had a great time today.  Harvick & Jarrett weren't able to stay awake, falling asleep before we made it all the way back to the Front Runner station.  Patrick & I each were holding one, when Ryder (who was having a hard time staying awake too) requested to sit with Patrick - I offered to take both Harvick & Jarrett (both sleeping).  As I looked down at my boys, the picture from the day we came home from the hospital flashed in my mind.

2 Days Old - Minutes after coming home from the hospital

My boys have grown so much!


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