Monday, May 27, 2013

Ryder . Last Day of School . 2012/2013

Last Tuesday Ryder attended his last day of Preschool for the 2012/2013 school year.  This was his second year of Preschool, with one year still remaining.

This year has brought significant change in Ryder's verbal expression.  Significant.  Ryder has always had high comprehension/cognition test results.  We knew he was intelligent.  But, the addition of his verbal expression has really made us more aware of his deep thinking.

Ryder still has a long way to go.  He still lacks several sounds (most notably /k/), with the frequent misinterpretation of others (/g/, /l/, /th/ are ones we are constantly working to improve).  He still has to think before saying new words.  We have to plan out what his mouth will do (typically syllable-by-syllable) for multi-syllabic words.  But, he is talking.

School has played a part in this.  He has been able to receive regular Speech Therapy in group and individual settings.  Patrick & my experience has been interesting - we have learned how to be Ryder's greatest advocate.

Ryder . Last Day of School . 2012/2013

Cute boy!

We had been talking with Ryder about his last few days of Preschool for a little while - to prepare him for it ending.  On Sunday night, as I talked with Ryder, I loved our conversation:

Me: Ryder, how many days of Preschool do you have left?
Ryder: Just TWO!  Monday and Tuesday.
Me: That's right.  Are you going to be sad on your last day?
Ryder: No, I do not "fink" (think) so.
Me: That's good - I don't want you to be sad, but it is okay if you are.
Ryder: MOM! I will NOT be sad.  My last day of Preschool "jus" (just) means that I am GROWING UP!

And, grow up, he has:



We are so proud of Ryder, and are looking forward to his last year of Preschool!

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