Friday, July 22, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 11 Weeks

11 weeks old
13 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
13 pounds (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 11 Weeks)

It's the last week for Harvick to wear his harness!  He has been a great sport about the whole thing, but you can tell that it is now annoying him - now that his leg is healing, he is gaining strength again, and wanting to kick it freely.  Thankfully, only a few more days until it is off permanently!  After a couple of weeks, we will go back to PCMC to have another x-ray taken, and as long as everything still looks good, we will just go back in 6 months, and at a year.

Harvick and Jarrett love being together when they are awake - both boys are typically content laying together on the floor.  Of course, they both like additional interaction, but they also seem to keep each other entertained.  They continue to latch on to each other, if they are close enough - my favorite is when they latch on to each others nose, or forehead!

Wearing the shirt Ryder wore for Patrick's birthday (yes, I know - it's odd, but I can remember what we did when Ryder was wearing certain shirts).

If they are close enough, they typically will reach out to touch each other - whether awake or asleep.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Hanging out in new sunglasses (Tara, our neighbor, bought them for Harvick and Jarrett, since she knows how careful we are to have Ryder wear his).


After the 9:00pm feeding both boys fall sound asleep as they are drinking - it's funny to me when they are too tired to take the last swallow, and just let it drip out - their extreme tiredness doesn't last too long - they almost always wake up when we burp them.


Ryder "shared" his hat with Harvick.

Hanging out together on Ryder's bed before their baths (they even have matching diapers!).  They aren't often without clothes at the same time, since we typically change one at a time - I took the opportunity to take pictures of them together - I think I should do it more often!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

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