Saturday, September 3, 2011

Antelope Island . 2011

Starting in 2009 (or was it 2008?? - Patrick and I can't really remember) - we have attended the morning hot air balloon launch at the "Antelope Island Stampede".  In 2009 we took Ryder, and I happened to take a picture of him facing me, with one of the recently inflated balloons in the background - it turned out to be one of my most favorite pictures that I have taken.  In 2010 we replicated it.  And, of course we had to try it out again . . .

This year, they did the balloon launch differently - instead of getting to watch all the balloons get inflated, and have them take off from the main area, they were inflated in a different area, and few over us and landed at the edge of the main area.  They only inflated one balloon in the main area, as a demonstration.  We definitely prefer how they have done it in the past!

While we waited for the balloon to be set up, Ryder seemed to enjoy laying in the field.

Wearing matching shirts "Bananas Over Mommy"
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Ryder loved watching the balloon get inflated (it was a definite bummer that we only got to see one inflated).

My and my boys!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick in the middle, Ryder on the right)

And . . . the pictures you've been waiting for . . .

Ryder . Antelope Island . 2011

Jarrett . Antelope Island . 2011

Harvick . Antelope Island . 2011
 And, a look back . . .

Ryder . Antelope Island . 2010

Ryder . Antelope Island . 2009

I'm not sure how likely it is that Ryder will continue to cooperate with this picture replication - somehow I'm thinking its' going to be really hard to get a 14 year old to let me take this picture.  So, it will have to eventually evolve into a different pose - but, for now, I love it!  Next year will prove interesting . . . 3 toddlers . . . all walking running in different directions!

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