Monday, January 23, 2012

Ryder's "Parent Night" . January 2012

Last week Ryder had another "Parent Night" at his school.  Like the one in September, the children were encouraged to show their parents the "works" that they most enjoy.  We gathered for an abbreviated Circle Time, and then dismissed via song to continue to do "works". 

Ryder LOVES the active play area.  He did the "slide" over and over!
"Works" have to be done on a mat that stored rolled up, or on the tables.  Ryder is great at unrolling the mat, and did a really great job at rolling it back up as well!

Ryder's teacher has told us that Ryder will typically play with the "work" that she demonstrates during Circle Time.  He especially loves when it is a puzzle-type activity.

Working on the displayed "work" - a stacking snowman.  The teacher took off each piece, and laid them in a row along the edge of the mat - Ryder had his own take on the activity, and stacked the snowman in the reverse order as he took them off.

Concentrating hard to get both pieces started.

Checking which items are magnetic.

Building a tower - Ryder built the tower several times over, and always wants to use EVERY block!
It's always great when Ryder's school has this type of Parent Night (October was a Halloween Party, November was a parent movie night, Race to Nowhere, and they skipped December).  Ryder loves showing us the "works" that he does, and is always happy to have extra time at school!

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