Thursday, September 20, 2012

Peach Days . 2012

Since 2008, Patrick and I have been going to Brigham City for their annual Peach Days.  Even though last year was a bit hard with a 2 year old, and infant twins, we enjoyed ourselves, and were looking forward to go back again.

Friday morning Patrick and I facilitated my parent's Yard Sale.  We decided to take the boys out to Brigham after picking them up from the babysitters.  I texted a friend (former co-worker) who lives in Brigham, and she met us for dinner.  

We walked around the vendors, where we ran into some of my previous co-workers manning one of the Coke booths.  I knew Vicki took a picture of Ryder and I, but was surprised when it was emailed to all of that area's employees!  Luckily, it got forwarded to me too.

Ryder and me at Peach Days!

The carnival rides were pricey (again), so we first looked around to see if Ryder would be interested.  Upon seeing the train, and a car ride, he quickly decided which rides he was interested in riding.  We had the discussion with Ryder, over and over, that he would only get to do two carnival rides.  He understood, and was excited to ride!

Ryder, on the car and train carnival rides.

Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) waited patiently in the stroller while Ryder was on the year I'm sure they  will want to be on the rides too!

We walked around additional vendors, but when Ryder didn't want to walk anymore, he convinced "Reece" (Charisse) to carry him.  I think he weighs nearly as much as she does.  Patrick and I both told him no, but Charisse willingly gave in to his request.

Charisse carrying Ryder around the vendors!

Before we could leave, I asked Charisse to take a picture of us in front of the peach (and other fruits/veggies) display.  I wish I would have gotten one with her in it too!

Peach Days . 2012
(in the stroller: Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Ryder has discovered the joys of taking pictures, and almost always wants to take one after he has  been in a picture himself.  We're working on him aiming the camera at the subject - Patrick was caught as he was bending down a bit because it looked as though Ryder was aiming low.

As we were walking back to our car, we walked along the street with free children's games - the games were similar to those at Tomato Days from 2 weeks prior, but had very long lines - not worth it!  That is, until Ryder saw the train ride.  It was free, and the line was minimal - so he was able to ride!

Ryder, enjoying the free train ride.  He had hoped to sit in the "green caboose", but when it was taken by the boys in front of him in line, he happily chose the purple car.

We had a fun evening!  Thanks to Charisse giving up her Friday evening, it was even more fun!  Whenever you transfer offices the hardest part of moving/changing positions is leaving the friendships you've made.  Leaving Brigham was hard for me - working in a small office, with the same team daily for 2 years led to several great relationships.  Charisse was on the hiring panel that promoted me to the position that took me to Brigham.  We became friends quickly, and I cherish the friendship we have maintained.  And, to top it off, Charisse loves my boys.  She regularly comes to visit, and even came to the hospital when Harvick & Jarrett were born!  

A blurry shot (I didn't have my flash with me) of Charisse walking with Harvick back to our car, while Patrick is ahead, pushing the stroller.

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