Sunday, October 14, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 17 Months Old

17 months old
25 pounds, 6 ounces (Harvick)
27 pounds (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 17 Months)

Seriously.  One more month, and my babies will be a year and a half.

All of the boys have been slow in getting teeth - I'm hoping the thought that the longer the teeth stay in the gums, the stronger/more developed they become is accurate!  Both Harvick and Jarrett are at 11 teeth, with each having 6 on top, and 5 on bottom.

Harvick and Jarrett are both more and more confident on their feet, more often relying on running, over walking.  They love to chase each other, and Ryder, often.  They have also become climbers. Harvick, more so than Jarrett.  Harvick can often be found in one of the chairs around the table, and if you look away for more than a few seconds, he is attempting to get on the table.

Harvick is easily embarrassed around new people, especially if they are giving him attention.  He has quite a dirty look that he shoots in their direction!  Jarrett is more likely to interact with strangers, and loves getting the extra attention.  They make me laugh with their reactions, especially when they are in a cart at Costco (where both can sit in the upper seat part, side-by-side).

My current favorite behavior from each of them is their excitement to see Patrick, Ryder, or myself return, even if we haven't been gone long.  Ryder never really showed much enthusiasm at our return - but, Harvick and Jarrett make up for it!

We have taught Ryder how to do a somersault - not ones to be outdone, Harvick & Jarrett also want to participate...but need a little extra help!
(Jarrett has the green teether in his mouth)

Playing together!
(Harvick holding the red tunnel, Jarrett pushing the train)

Harvick, attempting a somersault - with Jarrett looking on.

Reading together, slowly taking each book off of the shelf.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

The boys, sitting with me, while drinking their morning milk - before going to the babysitters. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO SHOTS?!  Just after turning 16 months, we were able to fully transition Harvick & Jarrett to SIPPY CUPS!  WE NO LONGER HAVE ANY BOTTLES!!
(Jarrett (left), Ryder, and Harvick (right))


Doing the same activity, but giving each other a little space.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)


Building together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

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