Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 23 Months

23 months old
31 pounds, 11 ounces (Harvick)
32 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 23 Months)

So...I'm a little late with this post (considering they are now closer to 24 months!).  Oh well, better late than never!

Not anything too big to report this past month.  Harvick & Jarrett have both adjusted well to their toddler bed (yet another topic I haven't posted!).  They did revert to taking their pacifier again to fall asleep (about a month prior to being transitioned, they gave it up on their own).  But, it's only a bedtime thing, and they readily put it away in the mornings.

The boys have started Early Intervention for Speech.  Progress, as expected, is slow.  Neither are verbalizing anything consistently.  Having a non-verbal child really demonstrates how much of our communication is non-verbal.  Harvick & Jarrett are able to communicate with us - we still lack the ability to know a specific request at times, but for the most part, we are able to help them with what they are wanting.

The boys enjoyed the warmer weather - taking advantage of playing outside!  Harvick & Jarrett like to be with Ryder whenever possible - often following him around when they are playing.
(And, look at Jarrett's face in the bottom picture - the kid cracks me up - he positioned himself all on his own!)

The Stomp Rocket Ryder got for his 2nd birthday remains a favorite toy.  Grandma Jody & Ann even bought the boys refill rockets!

Everyone loves the power 4-wheeler, but Harvick needs a bit of guidance directing it - Ryder was happy to help.

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Funny how a box is such a fun toy!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

LOOK AT THOSE HATS!  I picked them up for $1 on a super clearance - both boys LOVE wearing them (even when they clearly don't match their outfits).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Easter Eggs!
(Jarrett on the left/top, Harvick on the right/bottom)

Playing independently - I'm often asked if they play on their own, or always with each other.  They really do both!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Patrick is always so patient to let the boys help with his projects.  Everything takes a much longer time to complete, but they are always so proud of themselves for helping!
(Jarrett helping on the left, Harvick helping on the right)

In LESS THAN 2 weeks (see, I told you I was late!), we are going to have TWO CHILDREN AGE TWO!  It's going to be interesting...

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