Friday, June 3, 2011


No picture to include in this post.  I just wanted to mark down the date (today, 06/03/2011) I was brave enough to take all 3 boys on errands by MYSELF.

It was the first time that I did it - start to finish - with no help from Patrick or anyone else!

We first braved the boys' daycare provider's annual Garage Sale that benefits local charities.  Every year she takes donations and has a 2 day garage sale, with all proceeds being donated.  We were able to pick up a couple shirts/onesies for the boys, a few books, and some "breakfast in bed" trays that we will use for the boys to do art when sitting on the floor.

Next we stopped at Target!  I needed to pick up a gift for a co-worker's wedding.  Harvick rode in the basket of the cart, Jarrett was up on the seat (both in their carseats), and Ryder walked alongside me, holding on to the cart or my hand.  Now, it wasn't easy - and it took approximately 4 times longer than it would have if I was alone, BUT - I did it.

As much as we appreciate family and friends being willing to watch the boys (and we do appreciate it!), Patrick and I really do want to just incorporate them into every part of our lives.  Always getting someone to watch 1, 2, or all 3 of the boys doesn't allow them the opportunity to learn how to behave in a store.  And, I want to be able to run quick errands one day . . . so, I've got to start somewhere! 

So - June 3, 2011 - attempt #1 at errands with 3 boys, and no help.  Success!

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