Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pacifier Help

Ryder has taken a new interest in helping his brothers when they are crying - helping them with their pacifiers.  At first, he only would offer them the pacifier for 2-3 seconds, but in the past week or so, he has started to be much more patient - allowing Harvick and Jarrett to realize it is being offered, and to latch on to it.

Typically, if Harvick and/or Jarrett are just fussy, Ryder doesn't seem to care, but when they get mad and cry, he is much more likely to help.

Harvick (on the left) just pulled out his pacifier . . .

Ryder helping Harvick latch back on to his pacifier.

Ryder clapping for himself!

(we clap lots in this family!)

Harvick got scared by the clapping (or maybe the giant almost 2 year old standing near his head?!) - Ryder helping him out again.

Ryder clapping for the great job he did (again)!

(remember, we clap a lot at our house!).

Of course, with Harvick now in the Pavlik Harness, Ryder is more careful with Harvick, but still helps him (Jarrett also receives the same help from Ryder, I just haven't captured it in pictures).

*pictures are slightly blurry because I wasn't using the flash, and Ryder was moving too quickly for the limited light available.

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