Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011

This year, we stretched Father's Day to celebrate all weekend.

We started at Patricia's (Patrick's favorite!) for dinner on Friday evening.  Ryder proved that Mexican food is also his favorite.  He, of course, loved eating chips, but was also very interested in our salsa.  We let him try it . . . and he LOVED it!  He started out just dipping the chip in vertically, and basically only getting tomato juice, to fully scooping the chips with salsa on it!

Ryder's kids meal came with a drink, so we ordered Horchata.  We saved it to the end because we knew he would love it, and not want to eat his actual food if he had it sooner.  We were correct in our guess . . . but, he was more than willing to share!

(Harvick and Jarrett were also with us . . . in their carseats next to Patrick and me).

Saturday we spent time at Patrick's dad's house with Jim, Martha, and Julie (who was in town for a visit!) for lunch; and dinner with my parents and Rory at our house.  Harvick and Jarrett wore their matching "I (heart) Dad" shirts for the occasion.



(Harvick, Patrick, and Jarrett)

Finally, on Sunday, we had the boys dedicated at church in the morning, and then just spent the rest of the day at home together . . . as a family of FIVE.

Ryder giving Patrick the cookie dough brownies we had made for him . . . I can't confirm, but Ryder may have had to be bribed with one of the M&Ms to look at the camera!

Spending time with Patrick
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

The boys!
(Ryder in green, Harvick in orange, Jarrett in blue . . . and Patrick in brown!)

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