Friday, June 17, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 6 Weeks

6 weeks old; 11 pounds, 6 ounces (Harvick) and 11 pounds (Jarrett).
(Compare to Ryder at 6 Weeks)

Harvick and Jarrett continue to do great.  They were both sleeping until about 5:00am, but have had a few rough nights recently.  Every week they continue to increase in their awake time - typically after eating they are both wide awake and content to look around the room (usually while laying on the floor).

Both boys roll easily from stomach to back, and are trying very hard to roll from back to stomach - neither have been able to do so yet, but they keep trying!

Resting together.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Napping together in the Nap Nanny (I don't know if I can squeeze them in together much longer).
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

"I've got the keys to mommy's heart"

"My Dad Rocks"



On Tuesday night we went to the park to let Ryder run around - the boys were both awake, and enjoyed the time outside!


Our next door neighbors have a new addition to the family . . . Reece was born just 5 weeks, 2 days after Harvick and Jarrett (Reece's older brother, Ryan, is just 4 months older than Ryder - see their first picture together here).  On Monday, Reece came over to visit for a little bit while Tara took Riley & Ryan to daycare.

(Harvick, Jarrett, and Reece)

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