Monday, October 3, 2011


To celebrate Ryder's 5 month birthday, we took him to get his haircut.  Honestly, we probably should have done it at least a month sooner, but I, for some reason, was waiting until he was 6 months old.  However, after realizing that his hair was getting a bit out of control (it would reach his eyes when combed), I gave in, and we got it cut.

Harvick and Jarrett will be 5 months old this week, but Patrick will be teaching a class that night, so we took advantage of some time this weekend (and a bath night!) to give the boys haircuts!

It was obvious that Harvick needed a haircut - he has very fine "fluffy" hair that stands pretty much straight up.  Most people seem to think Jarrett is nearly bald; however, he has more hair than Harvick, and it is longer - it is just lighter in color, and lays completely flat against his head.

Ryder hated the clippers (it's the sound that bothers him, not the actual cutting), but Harvick and Jarrett were both completely unfazed by the whole event.



Harvick's haircut is the most noticeably different, but all three boys look great!

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