Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tired Boys

In recent weeks we have been going to Costco, following church, on Sundays.  It's a great time to go - early enough that it isn't too busy, but late enough that the samples are out.  Ryder even knows he'll be getting a snack when we pull into the parking lot . . . we usually hear "mmmmm" coming from the back, as he points to the building.

Harvick and Jarrett usually are carried in the slings, with Ryder in the front of a cart.  It's in the middle of Harvick and Jarrett's morning naptime, so they often will fall asleep.  Ryder is still getting used to no morning nap, and has typically had a fun-filled morning in Sunday School, so he is a bit worn out.

Ryder has never been a good car sleeper, but occasionally, he will doze off as we drive home . . . Harvick and Jarrett almost almost always fall asleep on the way as well . . .

Tired (sleeping) boys.
(Harvick furthest away, Ryder in the middle, Jarrett closest)
All three boys sleeping doesn't last long - Ryder wakes up and is ready for lunch soon after the car is parked in the garage; and Harvick and Jarrett typically want to be transferred to their crib or the swings to finish their nap (they don't stay asleep in the carseats if they aren't in a moving car).

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