Friday, March 9, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 10

Ryder had a record amount of therapy this week.  Primary Children's on Tuesday morning, private Speech Therapy at school on Thursday, and the school district's Early Intervention this afternoon.

Patrick and I have decided to alternate Ryder's weekly Speech Therapy - one week with Primary Children's, and the next with private Speech Therapy at his school.  We will also continue the Early Intervention (twice monthly) until Ryder's 3rd birthday.

The structure of previous weeks posts will have to change - we will no longer have a singular focus of a sound/phrase/theme to follow.  With multiple therapists, Ryder will be receiving multiple forms of therapy.  We are convinced that Ryder will do well with the change.

We were notifed this week that our insurance has "withheld the denial" for Ryder's Speech Therapy.  You see, the Master Policy only allows for Speech Therapy to be covered when the speech delay is a result of physical illness or injury, such as brain trama.  Or, a congenital defect, affecting speech, that resulted in surgery.  Insurance bases all appeals on this policy.  Apraxia of Speech has no known cause.

So . . . all this to say . . . we are figuring this thing out one-step-at-a-time.

We will continue Speech Therapy at Primary Children's for now, but have decreased frequency.  In place, we have added the private Speech Therapy.  So far (one consult, and one therapy session in), we have been impressed with the Therapist (and, not just because she has a link to the blog to read about Ryder's speech history!).  She comes across as eager to work with Ryder, actively engaged in finding ways for him to communicate daily/important words, and is positive about the therapy.

Ryder's Early Intervention ends with his 3rd birthday.  At that point, further therapy options depend on Ryder's development.  We meet later this month with the school district to review possibilities.  Depending on Ryder - he may be further evaluated as we approach his birthday.


Review: Previous Weeks

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