Friday, March 16, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 45 Weeks

45 weeks old
22 pounds, 2 ounces (Harvick)
21 pounds, 3 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 45 Weeks)

Seriously?!  45.  FORTY FIVE. Weeks??  I know it is always said that time flies, especially with children, but I think the past 45 weeks of our lives has gone by faster than I could imagine.  Our lives are busy (and loud!).  And, seeing that number makes me happy I have taken the time to record something about each of the boys every week of their first year.  I'm often teased for taking so many pictures, but I can't imagine not having so many of the ones I've taken.

These boys want to walk.  And, I'm not ready.  Harvick is pulling up to stand, using anything and everything he can.  Jarrett doesn't pull himself up to stand as often, but he is able to do it easily.  Both boys, but Harvick more frequently, are starting to take steps as they hold onto the couch/chair/etc.

Tooth counts remain at three for Jarrett, and just one for Harvick.  They both want to eat more pieces of food, but the lack of teeth makes it difficult - especially for Harvick.  They continue to be great eaters, and great sleepers (once they are actually completely asleep!).

We're often told that Harvick and Jarrett each take after one of us - however, who each boy looks like changes, depending on the person talking with us.
These pictures made me laugh because of the expressions - Patrick's was accidentally similar to Harvick; and I was yelling back at Jarrett when he was yelling at me - he thinks its hilarious!


Jarrett's reaction to having any skin touch the grass is the same as Ryder's reaction - not a fan.

After church on Sunday we came home (no errands!) to enjoy some sunshine.  Harvick and Jarrett are comfortable sitting in the grass (reference the picture above!), as long as they have toys to entertain them.

Getting a picture of Harvick and Jarrett together is becoming nearly impossible.  Luckily, they still are willing to let me take a picture of them individually!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

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