Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Since Harvick and Jarrett were born, we haven't been able to go walking nearly as often as we would like - we're busy in the evenings!  Also, not having a stroller that would comfortably fit everyone made it difficult.  We would go, and either carry Harvick and Jarrett in slings/carriers, or would squish them together in Ryder's jogging stroller.  Then, Winter came, and the cold weather makes everything harder, especially with three children!

Now that the weather is warming up, Patrick and I took the plunge, and finally purchased a stroller that would work for our family.  After borrowing a co-worker's double stroller, we decided that getting something that would accommodate all 3 boys would be best for us.  But, we weren't convinced we needed a full triple stroller - they are cumbersome, and given the option, we hoped to find one that would fit easily in my SUV, and would be easy to maneuver in public places.  We ended up purchasing a Joovy Big Caboose Stand-On Tandem Triple Stroller - it has two typical stroller seats for the babies, and then a bench seat where Ryder can sit (facing the person pushing the stroller), or can slide the bench under one of the typical seats, and has a platform to stand.

Ryder still prefers to walk by himself when we go on evening walks (which, is perfect - it burns some energy before bed!).  However, he is willing to ride (with some convincing), and we anticipate he will like the option when we are out doing an activity.

Ryder walking on his own.  He likes to run ahead of us (typically no more than one driveway away), but he is good to stop when we ask, and always hold our hand as we cross the street.

Stroller side-views.
TOP: Ryder pushing the stroller.  Despite it's large size, it really is easily maneuverable!
BOTTOM: Ryder, demonstrating the standing platform.
(Jarrett in the front seat, Harvick in the back seat)

Patrick and I tend to switch our "rolls" (pushing the stroller/walking with Ryder) often.
LEFT: Ryder walking with me, as he drags his hand along the fence.
RIGHT: Patrick, pushing Jarrett (front seat) and Harvick (back seat)

Family . Walking . Spring 2012

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