Saturday, November 24, 2012

Vacuuming Fun

We had the best Thanksgiving, and I have many pictures to share...but...while they are still on the camera, let's go back a few weeks...

Two weeks ago, we had our carpets cleaned.  To prepare, Patrick and I moved the big furniture off of the carpet (yes, we do know that the company cleaning the carpet will do it, but we like everything to be off, and stay off until the carpet is completely dry!).  Patrick pulled out the vacuum, and was quickly joined by the cutest helpers ever!

(Harvick in the gray shirt, Jarrett in the blue)

It took him at least 2-3 times long as it typically would, but they boys were all so excited to be helping him, there was no way he could turn them down!

Then, after vacuuming, I stripped the boys down in preparation for jammies (3 less outfits to fill the hampers in their bedrooms!), but they boys had other plans...more playing...

Ryder was asked to take a shoebox to Preschool for a "Teddy Bear Parade", and then the week following, a stuffed animal (he chose his puppy, "Lucy" (the neighbor dog's name)).  He brought home his box, and his brothers instantly became jealous of their big brother having something they wanted - good thing I had extra boxes!

I'm sure it gets old hearing (reading?) me say it, but it's nights like these I am the happiest to have a camera at my disposal.  I love capturing the day-to-day life...even if the pictures will mortify the boys in years to come...

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