Friday, May 11, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 19 . "s"

Ryder had private Speech Therapy, as well as Early Intervention this week.

SOUND: "s"
PRIMARY WORD(S): bus, eyes, please
ADDITIONAL WORD(S): baa (like a sheep), bee, bye, boat, bow
HAND SIGNAL: "b", "m", "t", "s" - Ryder hold out his arm and you take your pointer finger and slither up his forearm and make the "s" sound (this can also be done on your own arm).

Ryder's Therapist reports Ryder was eager to see her for his session this week.  They worked on "CV" (consonant vowel) repetitions with "b", "m", and "t".  Also, with using "s" at the ends of words, like I mentioned last week.  Ryder does well with this Therapist, and we're praying that he continues to do as well once it is in a different setting.

Early Intervention was moved to morning (rather than afternoon), and Ryder participated one-on-one with the Therapist well.  She was able to complete the Articulation Test that was not done at the Preschool Evaluation.  Although Ryder was unable to correctly articulate many of the sounds asked of him, he made an attempt with nearly all of the requests. 

His speech is coming.  It's slow.  But, it's coming.


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