Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 52 Weeks

52 weeks old
22 pounds, 5 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 52 Weeks)

Luckily, the boys' first year is a leap, we actually have 2 more days until they actually turn 1 year old.  Today, however, they are 52 weeks. 

Harvick and Jarrett continue to be great little boys.  They have quite different personalities from each other, and as they grow, it is fun to watch.  Harvick, since the beginning, has been the whinier of the two; while Jarrett is the baby who angers quickly when upset.  Both boys adore their big brother, and especially love when he is playing with them, or sharing snacks!

They are still eating the pureed food we make for them at most lunch and dinner meals, but are eating "typical" breakfast foods.  Jarrett is the more picky of the two, but he has the better ability to chew larger pieces, or take bites from something larger.

Both boys are standing up at every opportunity, and will walk along furniture.  Harvick seems much more eager to walk than Jarrett, but Jarrett is better at standing unassisted.

Some bath nights we will take the boys clothes off while they are playing, just to give them an extra few minutes!  This night, we were in our bedroom, and everyone ended up on the bed...with Ryder doing dives across the bed to entertain Harvick and Jarrett!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett's favorite new position.  He will "stand" like this for minutes at a time, and will even position himself to stand like this so he can play with toys that are out.

Cute brothers, playing together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Jarrett, doing the same toss-behind-your-back thing that Ryder did.

Harvick, being shown by Ryder, how to play with the Fridge Farm.

When Ryder shares his snacks, he prefers to feed them to his brothers - and they don't mind at all!

Three cute brothers in the bathtub!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

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