Friday, May 25, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 21 . CVC Sounds

CVC . ConsonantVowelConsonant

Ryder had private Speech Therapy this week.

SOUND: CVC sounds
PRIMARY WORD(S): pop, bob, dad
ADDITIONAL WORD(S): baby, puppy
HAND SIGNAL: "b", "p", "d" (duh) - using your pointer finger, touch the area between your nose and upper lip (your "snot channel").

Ryder is able to say the beginning consonant and vowel sound with relative accuracy, but needs to specifically work on the ending consonant sound.


Ryder's Preschool IEP (Individualized Education Plan) was this week.  I was able to meet with his primary Teacher, Miss R, and also with a Speech Therapist - this Therapist won't be returning next year, but she will be transferring Ryder's file to the new Therapist, Miss A.

It's hard to know for sure we are making the best decision(s) for Ryder for his speech.  However, after meeting for his IEP, we feel confident that we are pursuing the best option for Ryder.  He will be able to get one-on-one Speech Therapy with both the Speech Therapist and the Teacher each week.  Plus, he will receive group therapy regularly.

We have set basic goals, and will (if needed) update them when we are closer to the school year starting.



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