Friday, June 29, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 26 . "b" + Vowel Sequencing

Just private Speech Therapy this week.

Ryder did an awesome job.  His attention span was brief, as usual, but he was willing to participate.  The SLP was also willing to continuously change what she was doing, based on his interests.

This week, we will be focusing on "b" + vowel sequencing.  Meaning, a "b" + vowel word in repetition with itself, and also with another "b" + vowel word.

bee bee bee bee
boo boo boo boo
bee bee boo boo
boo boo bee bee
bee boo bee boo

The repetition of a CV (consonant + vowel) word is important, and increases his ability to learn more complex sounds and words.


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