Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weekend Projects . Concrete Fence Strip

Recently, Patrick and I decided to take down the front fence in order to lay a concrete border(strip?) under the fence, to create a more polished look.  Although having the boys "help" us during projects makes the project last infinitely longer, we do our best to include them - even if it is just having them be with us outside!

For this project, Jim and Martha were able to come over to help with prepping and completing the concrete.  It was great to have extra help with both the project, and keeping track of the boys!

I took minimal pictures of the project, but of course captured some of the boys as they played!

Ryder, pulling Jarrett in the wagon.

After pulling Jarrett around in the wagon, Ryder wanted a ride too...and if I was going to pull 2 of the boys around, I  might as well put them all in together.  Luckily, Ryder acted as the seat belt for Harvick (since there is only one!).

Harvick crawled away from the blanket, and Ryder went over to coerce him to come back.

Cute babies!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Although we don't have 3 of the same toy, luckily we have 3 different ones!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett - and, notice how he is sitting on the dinosaur!)

Ryder, helping with the project!

Although it takes more work to have the boys with us while we work on projects, we love to include them.  Eventually, they will all be able to really help!

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