Friday, April 13, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 15

Ryder met with his private Speech Therapist, as well as the Early Intervention Therapist this week.  Ryder continues to make (very) gradual progress overall, but it is hard to see it when reviewing it a week at a time.

The private Speech Therapist reported that Ryder did well in Therapy.  She uses multiple tools, including her iPad, to engage him in various speech exercises.  Additionally, she asked for pictures of our family, and she would work with Ryder to learn the correct pronunciation of each person's name/title.

In Early Intervention Therapy, Ryder participated fairly well, but when you compare it to the first several months, he has improved in participation immensely. 

Neither therapy had anything new to work on, just to continue the exercises he has been given.  The more consistent we are with Ryder's speech expectations, the more he accomplishes.

Ryder has been scheduled for a Preschool Evaluation later this month, so we should know more about what next year holds for us, soon.


Review: Previous Weeks

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