Thursday, April 5, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 48 Weeks

48 weeks old; 11 months old
22 pounds, 2 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 48 Weeks)

No real "updates" this past week.  Harvick remains at 2 teeth; Jarrett at 4.  Both boys continue to stand up using anything they can, but neither can balance for more than a few seconds without holding something.  Harvick will walk along a bench/ottoman/couch, but Jarrett rarely takes steps without being prompted.

Their little personalities continue to develop - Harvick remains the whinier one (providing "notice" when he is about to get upset), while Jarrett is more quick to anger (he gets upset with no notice).  Both boys are happy babies, and laugh easily.  Harvick laughs at other people doing things more easily, but Jarrett finds things he does hysterical.

They continue to crawl on and over each other, and neither seem to mind.  They enjoy being together - they will often play separately, but are almost always within eye-shot of each other.  Harvick and Jarrett both adore their big brother, and have really started to interact well with him.

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Playing in the tub together - they love to put the toys along the ledge, so I often face them away from me, as to not have them knock the toys out of the tub.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Ryder continues to enjoy helping his brothers drink their milk.

Again, with the weird tuck the ribbon behind the pacifier for doesn't matter how many times  you pull the ribbon out, Jarrett will tuck it back in.

Cute boys, going for a walk.  It's still cool enough in the evenings that the boys wear their winter hats, along with mittens to keep their hands warm.  And, really, they are so cute with the hats!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

With the warmer weather, we often spend a little time outside when we get home.  All of the boys love it!

My babies are looking much too grown up.  They both love the musical play table, especially when they stand to play.
(Harvick on the left/bottom, Jarrett on the right/top)

Harvick loves the bead maze!

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