Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He Pooped!

WARNING (in case you couldn't tell by the title): this post may be a bit too detailed for some...

I know.  I know.  The post title might be a bit much.  But, at our house, poop is the current topic of conversation.

Patrick and I have talked a lot about when we would potty train Ryder.  Due to his lack of verbal communication, we knew it would be a challenge to get Ryder to tell us he needed to use the bathroom.  But, after much discussion, we set the date to be the weekend following Easter.  We like the idea of Ryder having to use the bathroom in multiple locations - at school, the babysitters, and at home.  We figured the more variety he had, the better he would learn to communicate his need.  We decided on our date, figuring we would be going to Colorado (which, didn't end up working out) at the beginning of April, then there was Easter (and we would want to participate in community and church things), so we settled on the following weekend.

Saturday, when Ryder woke up, we had him try to go to the bathroom, and then we just put underwear back on him.  No diaper.  No Pull-Up.  Not even any pants.  Just underwear on the bottom (with a shirt and socks/BabyLegs to keep warm).

Reading a book, wearing his underwear.
Really, he did very well over the weekend.  We filled him up with as much liquid as we could get him to drink on Saturday morning, and then made him try every 10 minutes.  After a few successes, he started to figure it out, and we stretched the time between attempts over the course of the 2 days.  He had a poop accident Saturday, and a pee and poop accident Sunday.  Monday, he did awesome at the babysitter, but had another poop accident once we got home.

Now, we've read (and read. and read.) about potty training.  We know that boys typically are slower at getting potty trained.  That pooping in the toilet is hard to figure out.  Yes.  We know.  But, I still went to every co-worker who has had a child they potty-trained, and sought advice.  The resounding response - it will happen - it will take time - be patient.

Yesterday (Tuesday), Ryder had an accident in AfterCare at school (not his fault!), and no accidents at home.  But, also no poop.
Today, another accident-free day at the babysitters.  Patrick and I were on high-alert tonight, watching for any signs - to hopefully avoid an accident.

AND...the title already gave it away, we were cleaning up the Family Room, to get ready for baths, Ryder told us "poop"...he ran to the bathroom, Patrick helped him sit up on the toilet, and he did it!!!
Ryder, with his NEW train!
Ryder was SO PROUD of himself!  And, super excited that he would (finally, for him) get the train that has been sitting on the counter - since Saturday, we have told him he would get it when he pooped in the toilet.

I'd like to point out that we aren't claiming to have potty trained him, successfully, in just 5 days.  Ryder is the second soundest sleeper (with me being the first!) I know.  He doesn't wake up in the night.  And, when he does, it isn't because he has a wet diaper, it is because he wants to come into our room (where he lays on the floor, without waking us up...we're working on it...).  Getting him to stay dry during a nap will come, he is already doing fairly well - but, at night...that will take much. MUCH. longer.  And, that is okay.  We'll be patient.  Although, if you have nighttime-training advice, feel free to share!...

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