Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Egg Dyeing . April 2012

It shouldn't be a hard thing to admit.  But.  It is.  I may take too many pictures.  May.  Not sure, though.  Regardless, I have several Easter posts...we'll start with the oldest...

Last year, when we dyed Easter Eggs with Ryder, he was completely mortified at first, but grew to love it - so much so, that we did it at home, and again with the neighbors.

This year, Ryder remembered how much fun he had last year, and was eager to participate!  Patrick and I took the day off on Monday last week (we had actually originally requested it off to go to Colorado for a long weekend, but the plans didn't work out).  The boys stayed in their jammies all day.  We chose to not leave the house, and get many of our household chores done.  In preparation for the day, we went on strike with laundry for the preceding week...and had to do 9 loads to catch up.  Anyway, we spent time in the afternoon dyeing eggs...

Patiently waiting for the dye tablets to dissolve.  Ryder would stir them frequently to help out!

Watching as I demonstrate the first one.

Dyeing the eggs!
And, perhaps one of my least favorite pictures of myself, but when I have a shot where Ryder is in a picture with me, looking at the camera, AND smiling, I have to show it.
Our egg dyeing adventure didn't end there.  Ryder had the chance to dye eggs again later that week...on a night before taking a bath (hence, the lack of a shirt)...

Dyeing the eggs, again.

Telling you he just put an egg in the "green" dye.

Our final product!

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