Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter . 2012

On Easter Sunday, our church held 3 services (instead of the usual 2), to accommodate additional people attending.  We chose to go to the earliest service.  Ryder, for the second time (ever), did not want to go to class - he stayed with us during the Praise & Worship songs, but quickly realized he would have more fun in class with his friends, once the sermon started.  Harvick and Jarrett have attended class a few times now, but typically stay with us (when we go at our normal time, they will fall asleep in the car (morning nap) on our way, and stay asleep for more than half of the service).  This week; however, they were not wanting to sit with us, so we also took them to class!

Once we got home from church, we set up our own Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard, like we did last year.
Ryder had fun finding all of the eggs.  This year, I filled them with Colorful Goldfish, Fruity Cheerios, and Trix - that way, all 3 of the boys could enjoy it.  Ryder opened them all up into one bowl to mix them together.

And, a side note - Ryder has been able to learn a new word..."robot"...interesting, considering it is his only 2-syllable word he says correctly.  Good thing his Easter basket (purchased last year) had a robot on it!

Harvick (orange) and Jarrett (blue) may or may not have snacked on the goodies!

Opening presents.
Harvick (top) and Jarrett (center) were given stuffed lambs to sleep with - Ryder got the same thing for his first Easter!
Ryder opened the remainder of "realistic looking" tools that I bought for him before we was born - I couldn't pass up the clearance, and have been waiting a long time to give them to him - he has been given a couple previous to this.
We had intended to stay home for the day, but decided at the last minute to keep with what we did last year, and go out for lunch - to Village Inn.  I know, breakfast food isn't a "traditional" Easter meal, but we love it!

After lunch, we came home, and put all three boys down for their naps.  Upon waking up, Ryder got to open an additional present!

Our train-obsessed boy finally has a track to play with his trains!
Finally, at the end of the day, I really wanted to capture a family picture.  We set up the camera outside (thanks to Jim for the tripod!), and attempted a family shot.  Ryder realized it was great fun to run with Patrick as he would get the camera set up, and then run back to get in place...we may have to try that trick again!

Easter . 04.08.2012
(Kayleen, Harvick, Ryder, Patrick, Jarrett)
We had a great Easter this year.  It was definitely fun to have the boys participating in activities.  And, as much as we had fun, we kept things (presents) very simple.  It was perfect.

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