Thursday, July 12, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 28

Ryder had two sessions of therapy - Private Speech Therapy, and his last with the Early Intervention Therapist.

Although we started a bit rough back in September of last year, our family really has grown to appreciate and enjoy this Therapist.  Ryder was able to form a connection with her, and in the last 1/2 of his sessions, he was would look forward to her twice monthly visits.

Ryder participated well during the therapy, and was able to work on some new sound patterning concepts.

When she needed to leave, as usual Ryder wanted to walk her to the door.  However, this time, instead of letting her leave, waving and telling her goodbye, he made a run for her car - saying "nee (me) go wif (with) xx, deas (please)?!"  He has never done this - I think it was how much we built up that she wouldn't come back...regardless, it was so sad. He cried as we walked back into the house.

Ryder also did well with Private Therapy.  He really likes his SLP, and she is so great at providing new activities to keep Ryder's attention.  And, of course, the fact that she bought him his own train stickers that he gets at the end of each session, doesn't hurt!


Ryder's progress, overall, is still slow.  But, there is progress.  This past week we've noticed Ryder initiating more conversation - not just limited to when he is asking for something.  He has started telling Patrick and I his observations of his surroundings, as well as talking to his brothers.


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