Saturday, July 7, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 14 Months

14 months old
24 pounds, 5 ounces (Harvick)
24 pounds, 13 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 14 Months)

Wow!  Another month!  These babies are growing faster than I can keep up!

Harvick is walking.  Full on walking.  Jarrett...well, he can walk, but typically chooses not to do so.  He has two brothers that will bring him toys, and he hates to give up the speed of crawling for walking.  Harvick will drop to crawling when he is playing/chasing his brother(s), but walks when he is playing on his own.  Ryder seems to be enjoying this new development as well, as he is frequently trying to help his brothers walk - Harvick will walk well with him, but it Jarrett's cooperation depends on his mood.

Harvick has cut an additional 2 teeth on top (4 on top, 2 on bottom, total), while Jarrett has only cut 1 additional tooth this month (bringing his total to 2 on top, 3 on bottom).

Harvick and Jarrett have officially transitioned to "regular" food at all meals.  They were slower than their older brother, but it was good we waited a little longer - the boys have done well with the switch.  Harvick remains the better eater typically, but he is also more likely to protest eating completely.  It seemed as though Jarrett wasn't as good of an eater, but it turns out he is just slow - very slow.

Both boys are happy babies.  They definitely have their own personalities, but it is so fun to watch them interact with each other.  Ryder continues to do well, overall - but, being the oldest, with 2 siblings so close in age proves to be frustrating at times.  Harvick and Jarrett are also, now, to blame for this, as they will intentionally do things to Ryder to make him upset.  That being said, all 3 boys are good with each other most of the time!


Harvick and Jarrett get a bottle of milk each morning.  On days we're busy/running late, Patrick or I will feed both babies.  Recently, Ryder has decided to join us, and will drink a cub of milk as well!


Ryder enjoys giving his brothers rides in the wagon.  He's very careful with them, as there is only one seatbelt, so the brother in "front" is just sitting (and, yes, the top picture was from June...BEFORE it got so hot!).

Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right) frequently get into things with each other - here, Harvick was emptying a toy box, one item at a time, and handing them to Jarrett, who in turn would throw them to the side.  They frequently will often toy boxes using this method!

Jarrett (top/left) and Harvick (bottom/right) love to help with the dishwasher.

Harvick (left) is typically messier than Jarrett (right) when eating (this time was worse than usual!).

Being silly outside.

Playing together!

Bath time!
(Jarrett on top, Harvick on bottom)

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