Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Eye Update . Ryder

Patrick and I took Ryder to the Pediatric Opthamologist this morning.  We were told to expect the appointment to take 1.5-2 hours, so we were well equipped with juice and snacks!

The Pediatric Opthamologist came in to do a preliminary, non-dialated, exam.  He initially did not see the cataracts, but still wanted to view Ryder's eyes while dialated, and under magnification.  As expected, Ryder did NOT want the eye drops.  Luckily, we didn't have to wait in the exam room, which allowed Ryder to have a bit of a break.

After waiting, what seemed like forever, we were taken back to the exam room to be seen again.  With a bit of encouragement, Ryder participated in the exam, and only became frustrated with the last "test".  Thankfully, it was something the doctor said wasn't necessary for the purposes of diagnosing the cataracts.

The bad news: Ryder has cataracts, and they are "large".
The good news: The cataracts are not dense, and do not yet affect his vision.

The doctor made the analogy of looking through a windshield.
1: There is something small on your windshield, but you can drive easily by looking around it.
2: There is something covering most of your windshield, but it is clear, and can be seen through.
3: There is something large on your windshield, that is too thick to see through.

Ryder has scenario #2.  The surgery needed for Ryder is not completed until he approaches scenario #3.

Ryder will be seen every 4 months (maximum) until his cataracts worsen to the point of needing surgery.  There's not "if" they worsen, in his situation, it is "when".

While having cataracts is still not the best outcome, the fact that the surgery can be prolonged is good.  The doctor stated the older he is, the easier it is to complete, and the quicker the recovery.  Ryder's cataracts could worsen in the next 4 months, and require surgery to be scheduled at his next appointment...or, we could be seen every 4 months for the next 5 years (maximum - more likely to be within 3 years) before the surgery is scheduled.

The doctor also confirmed the "regular" Opthamologist's opinion that Ryder will have "good" vision for his life.  He will likely be required to wear glasses at some point in the future, but honestly, that will be okay too. Ryder even tried some on while he was in the Waiting Room, and I have to admit it - he was super cute in glasses!  Like father, like son!

Thank you to all of you who reached out to Patrick and me since I posted last week about Ryder's eyes.  Clearly, I use this blog as a journal of sorts, and post things as they happen (when I can!).  What I say here is not meant to be dramatic - it is what I am feeling.  Thank you for all of your support.  We are truly a blessed family!

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