Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Duck Pond . 07.01.2012

After hosting our HomeGroup BBQ, we had leftover bread that we couldn't eat before it went bad, so we made plans to head to a nearby duck pond to feed them!  The Sunday before last, following church, we went to the pond, where we took a picnic lunch so we could stay longer.

Such a fun time!

Self portraits with my babies!
Jarrett (left) hasn't quite grasped the idea of a closed-mouth kiss.  Harvick (center) couldn't be separated from his juice.  And, Ryder (right) refused to smile, but was willing to stand with me!

We try to give Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right) as many opportunities to walk as we can - it is much easier with only one baby at a time to naturally do it more often!  Ryder enjoys helping, and will often take time to help each brother!

It's so nice that we have the duck pond nearby, and it seems as though it is a relatively-well-kept secret!

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