Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Earlier this month, Harvick and Jarrett were napping a later than usual.  I opened the blinds in their room, and they stayed awake...so I went and grabbed the camera!  Of course, Jarrett started waking up the second I walked back in the room, but I still caught a picture just as he was waking up.

(Jarrett on top, Harvick on bottom)

Harvick and Jarrett were in such a good mood, I put them in one crib together.  It didn't take long before Ryder ran back, grabbing his lamb from his bed on the way!  They haven't all been together like this in several months, and I thought it was too cute!  Patrick warns me the crib has a weight limit....

I love these boys!
(Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder)

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